HK Olimpija Ljubljana and OnkoMan hand in hand against cancer this November

November, or rather “Movember,” is a month dedicated to raising awareness about men’s health issues, specifically cancers that affect men. The hockey club Olimpija Ljubljana has traditionally participated in various activities, and this year we are elevating our awareness efforts to a higher level.
In collaboration with the OnkoMan Association, we will carry out activities throughout the month to inform the public as well as our players, who will also serve as campaign ambassadors. What do we have planned?
- HK Olimpija Ljubljana players will take part in Movember awareness activities, as it’s often referred to in sports circles. They will grow mustaches, and at the end of the month, we will select the best and bushiest among them.
- The HK Olimpija Ljubljana team will play their home games in November wearing special Movember jerseys – in blue, featuring symbols for cancer awareness. For this month only, we are replacing our traditional green color with blue. With this bold move, we aim to attract attention to our noble cause.
- The special edition jerseys will be auctioned off at the end, with the proceeds going to charity for the OnkoMan Association.
- The players will also attend lectures and workshops on cancer prevention to protect themselves and their loved ones.
The campaign will start with the Friday game against the Pioneers and will conclude on November 29th with the final November match against Red Bull Salzburg.
The OnkoMan Association is the only Slovenian oncology association primarily focused on men, and each November, it aims to raise awareness among Slovenian men and their families. It also aims to show support for those who have been diagnosed with cancer. This year, their campaign is called “Stay in the Game.” Many men have their favorite sport, favorite team, and spend a lot of their free time watching games on TV or in the stands, cheering loudly for their club. We all hope that everyone will continue to cheer loudly for a long time, staying in the game!
We are proud to partner with the OnkoMan Association and participate in Movember activities!